NETS/TELLER til e-conomic
Få dine kreditkort indbetalinger bogført automatisk i e-conomic
App’en fungerer via et dashboard, som vi sætter op sammen med dig. Når Dashboardet er sat op, overfører app’en automatisk indbetalinger fra NETS/TELLER. På den måde vil du altid få udlignet dine indbetalinger fra NETS/TELLER i e-conomic kassekladden.
Løsningen kræver Nets/Teller aftale og API integration til e-conomic med minimum "plus aftale"
Small |
Big |
Little |
Big |
Kort type |
Danish Credit Card |
Danish Credit Card |
Foreign Credit in Foreign Currency |
Foreign Credit in Foreign Currency |
Max antal transaktioner |
200 |
9,000 |
200 |
1,000 |
Engangsbeløb ved opsætning |
1500 |
1500 |
1500 |
1500 |
Månedlig drift og support |
199 |
599 |
199 |
599 |
Support dækker |
Free telephone support during the period from 9.00 to 15.00 on weekdays. |
Free telephone support during the period from 9.00 to 15.00 on weekdays. |
Free telephone support during the period from 9.00 to 15.00 on weekdays. |
Free telephone support during the period from 9.00 to 15.00 on weekdays. |
Support dækker |
Free email support weekdays (expected response time 24 hours). |
Free email support weekdays (expected response time 24 hours). |
Free email support weekdays (expected response time 24 hours). |
Free email support weekdays (expected response time 24 hours). |
Support dækker |
If the number of transactions for 1 consecutive month in exceed of 200 per month, then upgrade the client automatically to a BIG future. |
If the number of transactions for 1 consecutive months in excess of the 1000 per month, agreed new terms individually. |
If the number of transactions for 1 consecutive months in exceed of 200 per month, then upgrade the client automatically to a LARGE future. |
If the number of transactions for 1 consecutive months in excess of the 1000 per month, agreed new terms individually. |
Setup 1500 kr. and fee 199 kr. .