Stripe til e-conomic
Få dine kreditkort indbetalinger bogført automatisk i e-conomic
App’en fungerer via et dashboard, som vi sætter op sammen med dig. Når Dashboardet er sat op, overfører app’en automatisk indbetalinger fra Stripe. På den måde vil du altid få udlignet dine indbetalinger fra Stripe i e-conomic kassekladden.
Small |
Big |
Kort type |
Danish Credit Card |
Danish Credit Card |
Max antal transaktioner |
200 |
9,000 |
Engangsbeløb ved opsætning |
999 |
999 |
Månedlig drift og support |
199 |
599 |
Support dækker |
Free telephone support during the period from 9.00 to 15.00 on weekdays. |
Free telephone support during the period from 9.00 to 15.00 on weekdays. |
Support dækker |
Free email support weekdays (expected response time 24 hours). |
Free email support weekdays (expected response time 24 hours). |
Support dækker |
If the number of transactions for 1 consecutive month in exceed of 200 per month, then upgrade the client automatically to a BIG future. |
If the number of transactions for 1 consecutive months in excess of the 1000 per month, agreed new terms individually. |
Setup 999 kr. and fee 199 kr. .